Challenges Facing Pakistan Navy’s F-22P Frigates

The four F-22P frigates, acquired from China between 2009 and 2013, have encountered operational limitations hindering their initial mission objectives. While fulfilling essential roles like air defense and escort duties, issues have emerged with key systems, impacting their overall effectiveness.

Technical Issues:

Defective Imaging Device: The FM90 (N) missile system’s faulty imaging display hampered target acquisition, compromising its air defense capabilities.
Sensor Malfunctions: Defective IR17 sensors and SR60 radars, crucial for air and surface search, exhibited performance glitches during high power transmissions.
Engine Problems: All frigates experienced low engine speeds due to high exhaust temperatures, leading to crankshaft and liner degradation, lube oil issues, and vibration isolator deterioration.
Specific Deficiencies: Each ship faced individual challenges, including erratic sonar performance, subpar radars requiring cannibalized parts, and malfunctioning guns.


Reduced Operational Capabilities: These technical issues forced the Pakistan Navy to operate the frigates with diminished abilities, hindering their intended roles like escorting larger vessels and protecting the Exclusive Economic Zone.
Loss of Operational Time: Several incidents, such as PNS Zulfiqar’s grounded hull and PNS Saif’s problematic stabilizer, resulted in operational downtime and disrupted missions.
Moving Forward:

The Pakistan Navy addressed these concerns with the Chinese manufacturers, seeking compensation for lost time and requesting repairs or replacements for defective components. The resolution of these issues will be crucial in restoring the F-22P frigates’ full operational capacity and achieving their intended mission objectives.

January 2024

Source; various social media and news articles

By Editor

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