Dealing with angry Baloch, Pakthuns would be Pakistan’s major challenge in 2024

By Editor Dec30,2023

Well known commentator, Pervez Hoodbhoy, writes in Dawn that the most pressing challenge for Pakistan in 2024 would be to deal with estranged nationalists, Balochs and Pakhtuns. This calls for political sagacity and a willingness to accept them as equal citizens of Pakistan who have been wronged. Else, be prepared for unending militancy and a miserable 2024.

He says the establishment’s present attitude towards nationalists must change. Just as it was sensible to abandon cross border jihad, it makes sense to abandon the failed hard-fist approach. To harass and arrest PTM leaders (who are strongly anti-Taliban), or to abduct peacefully protesting Baloch youth, defies all reason.

He argues that Pakistan’s Punjab-centric leaders have learned nothing about how to handle outstanding national grievances. A recent example is the extrajudicial murder of Balach Baloch, one which has led to mass protests across Pakistan.

The author paints a picture of Pakistan’s shifting relationship with militant groups. While armed groups were once a visible presence, their prominence has declined in recent years. This change is attributed to the 2014 APS massacre and the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in 2021.

The author critiques Pakistan’s past strategies of supporting militant groups in Kashmir and Afghanistan. He argues that these policies have resulted in significant human costs, including the deaths of thousands of Pakistani citizens and soldiers. Moreover, they’ve led to diplomatic isolation and hindered efforts to resolve the Kashmir issue.

December 30,2023

Source: For full article, see

By Editor

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