‘Enemies of Pakistan’ will get full force response: NSC

By admin Jan1,2023 #Pakistan #Pakistan Army

ISLAMABAD – The National Security Committee (NSC) Fri­day expressed an un­equivocal opinion that Pakistan’s national in­terests will not be com­promised and nobody will be allowed to harm the key concept of na­tional security.

The NSC, which met in Islamabad on Fri­day with Prime Minis­ter Shehbaz Sharif in the chair, expressed the commitment that the fundamental interests of Pakistan’s survival, security and develop­ment will be safeguard­ed with utmost cour­age, consistency and perseverance.

Paying rich tribute to the supreme sacrifices of martyrs in the fight against terrorism, the forum expressed con­dolences and commis­erated with their fam­ilies and collectively prayed higher status in heaven for the departed souls. “The meeting ex­pressed the resolve that militants are enemies of Pakistan. It said the en­tire nation is united on one narrative against terrorism and terror­ists and those who chal­lenge Pakistan will get a full force response.” The meeting also reviewed country’s economy and law and order situation in detail.

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Finance Minister Ish­aq Dar briefed the par­ticipants about the eco­nomic situation and challenges confronting the country as well as economic strategy and measures taken by the gov­ernment in this regard. Intel­ligence agencies presented a detailed briefing on the over­all situation of peace and se­curity in the country and fac­tors behind recent wave of terrorism and steps to curb them. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabba­ni Khar apprised the forum about Pakistan’s interac­tions with the interim gov­ernment of Afghanistan. It is pertinent to mention that the meeting of the NSC will continue on Monday during which more decisions will be taken in light of the sug­gestions to be presented in the sitting. Federal Ministers, Services Chiefs and heads of intelligence agencies attend­ed the meeting. The Nation­al Security Committee (NSC) will finalise its decisions on Monday in line with the rec­ommendations.

December 31, 2022

Source: https://www.nation.com.pk/31-Dec-2022/enemies-of-pakistan-will-get-full-force-response-nsc

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