General Sahir Shamshad Mirza’s Strategic Visit to Turkey Focused on India

When General Sahir Shamshad Mirza, Pakistan’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, visited Ankara, Turkey, in June, the high-profile meetings underscored the significance of the visit and the strong bilateral relations between the two nations. General Mirza met with Yasar Guler, the Turkish Defense Minister, General Metin Gurak, Chief of General Staff, and General Selcuk Baytaktaroglu, Commander of the Turkish Land Forces (equivalent to the Army Chief). Discussions prominently included strategic issues and defence ties with India.

Key topics included the delivery of S-400 air-defence systems by Russia to India and the American response. Although the United States has expressed displeasure over India’s acquisition of this sophisticated weapon system, it has not taken any action. Turkey, despite being a NATO member, also possesses the S-400 system. General Mirza expressed hope that Turkey would refrain from selling its weaponry to India.

The talks also covered the KAAN, a twin-engine fighter developed indigenously by Turkey, with deliveries expected within the next five years. The recent US decision to permit Turkey to acquire Block-70 F-16 fighters was also discussed. The Turkish Air Force currently operates over 240 F-16s in older C/D versions. The USA will supply 40 new F-16V planes and 79 modernization kits.

There were assurances of Turkish support to Islamabad on Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir and issues related to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Pakistan is currently under scrutiny by the FATF due to its perceived support for top terrorist leaders and inadequate actions against them. In return, Pakistan pledged support on issues concerning Northern Cyprus, a Mediterranean island divided by a Green Line, with Turks controlling the northern part.

July 3, 2024

References: Money Control

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