Pakistan Army– I Corps / Mangla Corps

By Editor Dec25,2023 #1 Corps #Mangla Corps

Located at Mangla, Mirpur, Pak occupied Kashmir, 1 Corps is led by Lieutenant General. Asim Malik.

1 Corps, known as the 1 Strike Corps, is one the two strike corps. 1 Corps is the oldest of them and has taken part in India-Pak wars including the Kargil war. It is also involved in Counter-Terrorism operations in north-west Pakistan. The Corps was formed in Abbottabad first in 1958 and is now located in Mangla, Mirpur district.

Its Order of Battle is:

HQ I Corps, Mangla
6th Armoured Division, Gujranwala
17th Infantry Division, Kharian
37th Infantry Division, Gujranwala–based out of Swat for operations on the Durand Line.

The division is at present stationed in Gujranwala and has four armoured brigades attached.

HQ 6 Armoured Division, Gujranwala

7th Armoured Brigade, Gujranwala
9th Armoured Brigade, Kharian
8th Armoured Brigade Group, Mangla (wartime only, normally under corps control)
11th Armoured Brigade
106 Air Defence Brigade

The following units are attached and stationed in Kharian.

6 Armoured Division Support troops (a brigades worth of troops, mostly engineers, signal and other logistic troops)
313 Assault Engineers
314 Assault Engineers
6 Armoured Division Artillery (Equivalent to a Brigade)
6 Armoured Div Aviation Air Brigade (wartime only0

Next: Corps II or Multan Corps

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