Our relations with Afghanistan have changed on a large scale from
1979 to 2022. During these 43 years, we were sending our youths to
Afghanistan for participating in Jihad and earning dollars for that. But
now the game has turned, the Taliban are coming here to fight and
our dollars are going to Afghanistan. For 43 years we used our
resources for Afghanistan under the impression that when our
western border will be safe when our favourite Taliban will be ruling
there. And we will be able to focus on our eastern border with India.
We allowed lakhs of Afghanis to enter Pakistan. We issued them
identity cards and allowed them to buy properties here. And they in
turn destroyed us. They brought with them the culture of Kalashnikov
and drugs to our peaceful province. Now a new trend has started.
Dollars are being smuggled to Afghanistan. Daily 15 thousand of
people cross the border and everyone is allowed to take one
thousand dollars with him. Besides that, lakhs of dollars are being
smuggled to Afghanistan. It is time that we should revise our Afghan
(Source: Rauf Klasra-Dunya Daily)