We should understand that just as East India Company brought English rulers to
India. Likewise, those who have far sight are also of the view that CPEC is not
going to bring a big “revolution” in Pakistan. Apparently we might see English
rulers having brought in positive changes in the region, but its hidden activities will
show that they started asserting their rights on the trillion dollar economy of our
region and kept taking away our money. If we have to make any predictions about
anything good for our country through CPEC, then we should take lessons from
what has happened in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan authorities pledged their port
and later Sri Lankan economy started suffering due to payment of heavy interest
amount to China and ultimately Sri Lankan authorities saw it wiser to handover
very port to China instead of keep paying heavy interest to them. Nowadays,
Chinese and Pakistan authorities have signed pacts whereby China will invest
and this will start with investments in cotton industry and its owners will be
Chinese only. Special economic zones have also been built. The investors will
now become owners too. This will be another way of selling out our institutions
and industries. Now, institutions/industries will be sold to the Chinese because we
are neither efficient enough to run the country nor our industries. Hence, it will be
China to spread over industrialization in the country and it will only make earnings
from it. Incidentally, after conditions going from bad to worse in Balochistan, China
is making a new demand that CPEC route be changed connecting Gwadar and
Karachi and under Plan B connecting China to Karachi via routes of big cities in
Pakistan. Plan A can fail because conditions in the country are not good and this
can mean deterioration of conditions in Balochistan. Some external forces are
seen behind deterioration of conditions and our country keeps calling them by the
names like RAW, MOSSAD, CIA and more. We also want to see the success of
CPEC. Once it happens, it can mean China taking over the agricultural sector too.
We had taken over lands from English rulers and now we will hand them over to
China in CPEC. We have seen the making of history in 1857, 1842 and later in 1947. Our region might seem new history in 2047. Our rulers might not be that far-sighted but the external forces, who pay dollars to get their works done, might be having their own vision, designs and new outlook about our region by next 2047.
English translation from Awami Awaz, Riyaz Aabroo, October 26,2023. https://awamiawaz.pk/1125514