The anti-Pak sentiment roaring on highways and streets of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) is strongly weighing on the government. Citizens have declared a shutter-down strike once again, a recurring theme now in the last 1.5 years. The reasons are manifold, but let’s begin with Pakistan’s vile scheme of starving its illegally occupied colony.
First, the Army sold the population subsidized wheat, pushing the grain almost as an (only) act of redemption after cruelly leaving the vulnerable Gilgit-Baltistan from formal integration with Pakistan in the 1970s; and now it has not only increased the price of wheat but revoked the subsidy for 29 essential items! The arable land in GB is scarce, and the cheaper supply of wheat from Pakistan contributed to the end of local farming practices in the region. The naive population was unaware of Pakistan’s crafty nature; the establishment had de-incentivized the local cereal crops so GB remains absolutely dependent upon them.
Constituting nearly 70 percent of daily caloric intake, wheat is a major food staple in Pakistan. Knowing this, the lack of government attention to the alarming price rise is a gibe at their dignity.
GB revolted in silence when the Army illegally occupied their houses and land, when their natural resources were used and abused, and when a large part of their land was sold off to CPEC by Pakistan without approval. They pleaded against the radicalization of their territory, the massacre of minority Shias, the conversion of GB to a terror launch pad, against coercion of GB youth into drug addiction, and forced madrasa education which ultimately led to the enforced disappearance of students. Now living as second-class citizens in their own land, and ruled by migrated Punjabis and the Army, GB has had enough of Pakistan’s deceit!
Once eyeing formal constitution rights, Gilgit Baltistan’s cries of ‘Chalo, Kargil Chalo!’ are deafening. Local leaders predict a civil war as the demands for a merger with India increase. The atrocities of the GB people have been normalized to the extent that even in the crucial days leading up to the election, their grievances do not make it to public forums! GB has invariably been Pakistan’s ‘use and throw’ territory for seven decades and no one bats an eye!
Lately, the wheat issue has claimed the lives of people through stampedes during wheat distribution or through starvation. Naturally, law and order disruptions have arisen, but are mercilessly dealt with worse human rights violations. Gilgit-Baltistan’s multiple crises have still not convinced political leaders to halt their business-as-usual attitude and carve a solution for the people.
The Army is busy amplifying sectarian tensions in GB and indoctrinating the youth to create a ready supply of religious fighters. The reins on girls’ education and their rights too have been tightened. GB women form the lowest strata in the society due to the gender apartheid, hyper-religiosity, and the Punjabi dominance of GB land. Their only savior, a chance at education, too is being taken away from them.
At Gilgit’s Karakoram International University, students have been staging a sit-in protest since last week against a 135 percent raise in fees. The corruption and agenda run so deep that despite the high fees students lack basic facilities. Students have been demanding a financial audit of the institution, restoration of student unions, and establishment of anti-harassment cells for female students’ security. As it is, the federal government has cut the budget for any progressive activities in GB. The move of making children’s education unreachable in a climate of unemployment, foodgrain crisis, economic unrest, and political instability reflects the government’s reluctance to make amends with people.
Pakistan has had no problems squeezing every bit of profit they could earn through Gilgit Baltistan: CPEC, water projects, extraction of minerals, forest produce, selling land to mainland Pakistanis, building hotels and properties on their land, using GB as a battleground and Army training center, and so on. But in return, GB received nothing but a long list of woes, unfulfilled promises, illegal taxation, inhuman animal treatment, and zero compensation for Army lootings.
Presently desperate for some additional income, Pakistan seeks tourism cooperation with Turkey aimed at increasing footfall in over 90 destinations in Gilgit Baltistan. Verily, the gains will directly be credited to the Pak Army and leaders’ accounts. Pakistan’s lack of concern for GB and its perennial greed suggests further instability in the region that needs it most at this hour.
Wheat Price Hike Unite Gilgit-Baltistan Against Oppressive Pak